🧠 Problem Statement

<aside> ❓ Negotiation is at the heart of a business’ procurement. You cannot negate the importance of this art of bargaining and getting the price to suit your budget to succeed in your business. With the advent of digital systems and e-practices in all industries, the geographical lines are slowly diminishing. You are no longer restricted towards purchasing from your country or state; you can buy goods and services from across the globe.

Negotiation has upped its game, too, in the process. With bidders joining the game from across the globe, more businesses are moving towards e-auction to help gain the right supplier for their needs.

As the word e suggests in the e-auction, this is an online bidding process. In this case, a single buying company can conduct real-time negotiations with multiple bidders/suppliers simultaneously. The process is pre-defined and structured. As all the buyers are connected and bidding, there is no need for a one-on-one discussion, thus saving the buyer’s time.


Design an auction platform on mobile, where the buyer company creates and analyses the auctions, and suppliers can bid on these auctions and win significant business for their companies.

📝 Deliverables Expected

  1. High fidelity mobile designs
  2. Research that supports the design

⏰ Timeline

⌛ Approx 1 week

Creator: Dwija Patel

🔆 What are the main objectives?

1️⃣ Learning what are the procurement procedures followed in B2B space.

2️⃣ Understanding the reverse auction scenarios and bridging the demographic gap between buyers and vendors.

3️⃣ Easing the way of comparing deals and finalising the cheapest and best of them.

4️⃣ Coming up with a good onboarding and auction hosting design flow

🪃 What is my strategy?